Think positive thoughts...
So, not wanting this to become a diet-blog I decided since last post to actually do something about the predicament I find myself in. The positive element of posting about it being its function as written record of the event, for posterity (or posterior really). So what have I done in the past three weeks or so? I've quit sugar in all things like tea, coffee, cereal etc. I've binned any cakes or sweets completely and any between meals snacking is limited to fruit (note to self, visit that hippie shop that sells grains and things for a bag of Dr Gillian McKeith approved budgie cage droppings). I reckon that in the past 7 months here in the new job I've put on half a stone. That explains a quarter of my two stone overweight bulk, and its not as if I drink to any extent - so the rest must be cakes and lack of hard exercise. One thing at a time though, manage my food intake better and maybe look at the exercise thing in the new year - join the Crutherland again perhaps?
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