Friday, October 20, 2006

Learning new stuff

Flock in actionIt seems like the rate of change is accelerating every week. Is that a natural consequence of old age? Anyhoo, the guys seem to come up with a new 'thing' to try almost every week. Each new thing is more dependent upon stuff you did before (and more importantly - still remember), and all syncs up seemlessly. This week I have mostly been using Flock yet its not been anywhere near as easy to pick up for a newbie as that monumental shift from IE to Firefox was. First I couldn't integrate this blog. Then right click 'search for' seemed determined to use shitty Yahoo, and I had to dabble in the black arts of "about:config" to get it right. Like I know what the hell that does. Anyhoo, it works and I've now added a further tiny length of IT footering string to my bow. Is this making my life easier?

PS."It seems there was an error with your blog..." - so I had to re-post this on Blogger, the old fashioned way. What was I saying about it working again? Focking flock.


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